Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Goodreads Giveaway, Scattered Seasons, and a Book Rescue

I have to admit sometimes I miss blogging more frequently about everyday stuff and having more interaction in the comments. On the other hand, it is nice not having to post so frequently. Perhaps at some point I should rethink my schedule.

Anyway, first the exciting news for people on Goodreads: I'm giving away two copies of the paperback version of Lyon's Legacy. The contest runs from now through May 16th, so there's plenty of time to sign up. Click here to sign up.

Now for a couple of random points that would have earlier taken up an entire (but shorter) post. Yesterday I finally finished the first draft of Scattered Seasons, the first book in my fantasy Season Lords trilogy. Normally I'd be excited about that, but partway through the story, the plot fell apart, and it became much harder to write. I do have some ideas about what I want to change, but I'm going to take a nice long break from the story before I revise it. It probably would help if I could outline before drafting a story so I'd know where I was going. Plotters and pantsers end up at the same point; they just take different journeys there.

Finally, I had a bit of a book scare this weekend. When I was a girl, I had a copy of Richard Scarry's Word Book in three languages. I remember it so fondly I tracked it down for my own son. He goes through periods of wanting to read from it and ignoring it. Lately, he wants me to read from it, so I read a few pages before he takes his back. Saturday, it happened to fall into the bathtub (along with another book). We towel-dried them, then I dried them with my hair dryer. (It gets more use on other objects than my own hair!) It's OK now, but the pages are crinkled.

Have you ever had to rescue a paper copy of one of your favorite books? If so, were you successful?

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